Danish music festival NorthSide engages in largest afforestation project in region
NorthSide festival launches the region's largest afforestation project, creating a 10-hectare forest to boost biodiversity, protect groundwater, and offset carbon emissions in Aarhus, Denmark.
Building towards climate neutral festivals: The shift to zero-emission construction equipment
To achieve climate-neutral festivals, transitioning to zero-emission construction equipment is essential. This Circular Festivals article discusses the current state, the advantages and the challenges of switching to zero emission construction equipment for outdoor events and festivals.
Embracing circularity: DGTL Festival’s approach to sustainability
DGTL Festival plays a pioneering role in the sustainable events industry – in this article, festival director Ellen Evers talks about their approach to embracing circularity.
Tackling Vapes and Electrical Waste at Events
Material Focus has published the 'Vapes and Electricals Briefing for Festivals and Events'. Find out the how's & why's in this article from Vision2025.
No Climate Action Without Us Toolkit
A toolkit to make disabled people’s access to live events environmentally sustainable created by Attitude is Everything, Julie’s Bicycle and A Greener Future.
ADE Green 2024: Early Glimpse into the Program
With ADE Green tickets now available, we're thrilled to present a sneak peek into our conference program!
Webinar Replay for the Materials & Waste Management Toolkit
Vision: 2025’s Sustainable Materials & Waste Management Toolkit created in collaboration with Julie’s Bicycle was launched earlier this month at the AIF congress and an online webinar.
Ecolibrium’s event industry community invests over £650,000 in climate projects
The event charity ecolibrium celebrated a milestone in its community’s collective impact: reaching over £650,000 invested in climate projects to address the impact of travel at events.
FACTS report: gender distribution of artists at electronic music festivals
The online database and network of women and nonbinary people in the music industry female:pressure has recently published their 2024 FACTS report about gender distribution of artists at electronic music festivals.
Can cars power events? Tim Benson explains the role of bi-directional charging
Imagine a world in which event-goers arrive in electric vehicles and plug their car in to start powering the event itself. How would this work?