A Quick Guide to Smart Power Planning
A simple five phase plan for planning smarter power provision for events, shared by Tim Benson, Chair of Powerful Thinking and Energy & Environmental Consultant at ZAP Concepts & SMART Power.
Green light for ADE Green 2023
ADE Green returns to Felix Meritis on Friday, October 20th. With ADE Green passes now available, here are a few highlights of this year’s program.
Statiegeld Nederland lanceert activatiepakket voor evenementen
Om zwerfafval tegen te gaan, zit er sinds 1 april 2023 statiegeld op blikjes. Wij spraken met Jolijn Keesmaat van Statiegeld Nederland om meer te weten te komen over de activaties die Statiegeld Nederland op evenementen organiseert.
Glastonbury’s mushroom mycelium pavilion explores sustainable stage design
Simon Carroll has created the spiralling Hayes Pavilion from salvaged timber and mycelium to challenge the industry's over-reliance on polystyrene foam.
An interview with Artur Mendes of Boom Festival
An interview with Artur Medes, one of the co-directors of Boom Festival and the Being Gathering, two transformational and change-making festivals. Artur is part of the board of APEFE- Portuguese Association of Shows, Festivals and Events, has a degree in